3 May 2008

Immune system

Immune System: The body's defense department - Alternative Medicine The immune system is not responsive to drugs for healing. Antibiotics used to fight infections actually depress the immune system when used long-term. But natural nutritive forces, like healing foods and herbal medicines can and do support the immune system. By rebuilding immunity, health is naturally restored and disease disappears.
Dr. Lawrence Wilson - "To strengthen the immune system, one must address the needs of the whole body. A strong immune system is essential for health. It is a very complex system of the body, involving the skin, intestines, nasal mucosa, blood, lymph and many other organs and tissues. Factors that impair the immune system include nutrient deficiencies, contaminated air, water and food, unhealthful lifestyles and too much exposure to harmful microbes. Other factors that weaken the immune system are negative attitudes and emotions and the presence of toxic metals, toxic chemicals and biological toxins in the body. Others are sluggish metabolism, lack of rest and sleep, excessive stress or too much exercise. As these causative factors are removed or corrected, the immune system improves."
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Boosting or Modulating the Immune System Naturally - Alternative Medicine Greg B. Wilson, Ph.D. and James B. Daily, Jr., Ph.D. - "Our health is directly influenced by our immune system. The onset of almost all infectious and degenerative disease is preceded or accompanied by inadequate immune response. With intensifying concerns about the antibiotic resistant organisms, a new weapon against disease is sorely needed. Transfer factors are such a weapon, and based upon almost 50 years of research, transfer factors appear to be highly effective with few, if any, side effects. If our immune systems are functioning normally, transfer factors are produced after we are exposed to infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Recent research, however, provides evidence that transfer factors, even from another animal such as a cow, can enable us to develop immunity to infectious agents before we are actually exposed to them. In addition, transfer factor administration can accelerate our immune response once we have been infected. This new approach to optimizing the immune response to infectious agents promises to revolutionize our approach to disease prevention and control!" - BY ANJU SETHI AND ASHWANI SETHI

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